Dear Joss Whedon,
Re: Giant Size Astonishing X-Men #1.
I think you've broken my heart one too many times.
Re: Giant Size Astonishing X-Men #1.
Rachael Ray isn't wearing a terrorist scarf, it's a hispter scarf!!
I cannot stress enough that you absolutely, positively
What if the press (both music and otherwise) collectively decided to ignore Scarlett Johansson's album full of Tom Waits covers and just let it vanish into the total obscurity it so richly deserves? I think that would be a mighty fine choice.
Re: Aging gracefully. This is how it's done. Watch and learn.
Re: Using the word "lonely" in your online, hookup/dating profile user name. Also, why would you EVER use the word "crazy" in your user name?! This makes -230 sense to me. Mind you, I am looking for logic in the world of online gayness.
This is the first of a series of posts I plan to do on Sunday about things I love when it comes to clothing, fashion and all things wearable. I'll also probably include something I'm not a fan of because I'm a salty bitch and I can never resist talking about fashion trends or clothing styles I dislike. All of these opinions are obviously my own, I don't pretend to be some total master of fashion or the ruler of all good taste, so don't get too panty-twisted if I love something you hate or hate something you love. I am all about people loving their personal style but I will totally admit that a lot of trends-of-the-moment leave me cold.
Labels: sartorial sunday
Whenever I see someone who has an online profile - especially on a dating and/or hookup site - with the word "lonely" as part of their user name, I just want to send them a message suggesting they change their name to "Desperate Clingy Mess Who Will Say 'I Love You' Within 72 Hours of Meeting." You know, just for the sake of honesty.
(I've decided to occasionally post some more personal stuff here. So yeah.)
I think this ad is largely cheesy as I generally do of all celebrity pseudo-political blah blah. But, um, hi Harrison Ford's chest, what's up?
Tears of joy as same-sex marriage advocates get the word
The above title for this post is the tag line for gay porn company Falcon Studios' new web venture, "Falcon STR8MEN" (NSFW, obviously). In case you missed that the first time, here it is again: a gay porn company is producing a line of videos for the web featuring allegedly heterosexual men with the tag line "Get Ready for Real Men".
- Are there any really, really major Right Said Fred fans out there? I mean, major enough for them to justify having a web presence?
I greatly dislike Scarlett Johansson.
Dear ANTM,
It's when you exit a tacky gay bar in the Castro after telling off some piece of Euro trash who hit on your friend only to blow him off and hit on your other friend and then you pour a drink down the back of the sweatshirt of some fucking asshole you've loathed for the last two years and then the sad little hipster bar back tries to retroactively kick you out of the bar after you've already left.