Sunday, February 25, 2007

Recording the new Ex-Boyfriends Album, Day 2.

Today we finished tracking drums for the last 4 songs. Hooray! It was a bit on the grueling side because 2 of those 4 songs are slow songs and, weird as it may sound, slow songs are fucking hard to play. Every little mistake shows through and it's sometimes harder to maintain the tempo on a slow song than it is on something fast and bouncy. But Aaron is infinitely patient and encouraging and I persevered and made it to the end. So my work is mostly done now. Awesome!

We had enough time at the end of the day to start setting up Colin's amp and trying out guitar tones so we can start tracking guitar (and bass too, hopefully) next weekend. Aaron has lots of great guitars to add to our arsenal as well as many amps, pedals and other gadgetry. I am a mediocre guitar player at best but if I was good I would long for a Gretsch guitar like nobody's business. They look and sound gorgeous.

I am really excited for this album - even moreso than I was for Dear John. I feel like we have grown so much stronger and tighter as a band. Our songwriting has progressed and we are not making an exact replica of our first album. I can't wait for it to be done!

Go here for more photos from today - I uploaded a ton.

Recording the new Ex-Boyfriends Album, Day 1.

Today was day one in the studio recording the new EXBF album. We're working over the course of 4 weekends so none of us have to take time off from work to record. This album is being engineered by Aaron Hellam at Castle Ultimate Studios in Oakland, California.

I'm really excited to work with Aaron again because he's such a fantastic engineer. He's already well aware that the songs for this album are different from the ones on Dear John and he has no intention of trying to do the same production again. He gave me a list of new drum heads I needed to get to record and I am not 100% loyal to buying those same heads from here on out. My drums sound seriously fantastic.

This weekend we're tracking drums with Colin and Peter doing scratch guitar and bass tracks for me to follow as well as Colin doing a scratch vocal track. It's hilarious to hear his vox in playback cuz he is singing kind of high and quiet and he sounds like this weepy little emo child with a frog in his throat. Being the badass that I am I tracked 8 songs out of 12 in about 4 hours and 15 minutes. And 3 of those songs were in one take. Go me!

I will continue to take pics during the recording process and I have some video I will be compiling once we're done. Go here to see more photos from today.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Opinions & Observations

Anybody who thinks it's a good idea to cover "I Melt with You" by Modern English should really think again.

Letter to Anita

After reading about the Victoria Theatre/Anita Correa's refusal to allow a sexually explicit, local/lesbian-made film to premiere at their theater, I decided to send Anita an e-mail about my disappointment with her decision. Here it is:

"Dear Ms. Correa,

I was dismayed to read on the blog that the Victoria has chosen to reject Shine Louise Houston's movie "In Search of the Wild Kingdom" with very little reasoning as to why and with what seems like very shady and evasive behavior on your part towards Blowfish. I see that the Victoria has no problem with hosting "Spike & Mike's Sick & Twisted Festival of Animation" which doubtlessly contains tons of things that "the community" could find offensive but a film made my a local, lesbian director is being rejected without so much as a cursory glance at the film's content. This reeks of censorship and bigotry, pure and simple. It's a pre-emptive strike on behalf of an hysterical faction of people in our community who blanche at the mere suggestion of sexuality and decide that it is up to them to impose their views, morals, mores and restrictions on the world around them. And I find that more than a little sad and infuriating.

I also find it ironic that your Myspace page has the song "Midnight Radio" from the film "Hedwig & The Angry Inch" on it - a film about transgressing boundaries of gender and sexuality and accepting and embracing difference in ourselves and others. Clearly the message of that movie and the songs within it were lost on you, Anita. I love to support local businesses and have patronized the Victoria Theatre in the past. I saw it as a part of what I love about San Francisco - a city that supports diversity, art, community and freedom of expression. But in light of this recent piece of news, I think I'll find it no longer necessary to spend my money somewhere that practices such bigoted, censorious business.


Feel free to voice your opinion too. Here's their contact page.

Opinions & Observations

It seems like there's a big ol' wave of anti-porn mania sweeping San Francisco.

Opinions & Observations

It seems that vomit is the new urine when it comes to what the streets of San Francisco are covered in.

Opinions & Observations

An amusing game to play on Ash Wednesday is to pretend you have the power to see evil, intergalactic aliens living among us by the usually-invisible-to-the-human-eye black marks on their foreheads.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Opinions & Observations

It was amusing to see all of the "Bears Welcome" signs in the windows of business in the Castro/Upper Market area this weekend for IBR. I wanted to ask the owners if the rest of the year they were all "Get out of here, fatty" and that sort of thing.

Opinions & Observations

I guess being a total dickface on Project Runway doesn't help you much with your career.

Monday, February 19, 2007

I don't want to settle down, I just wanna chew gum.

I started a new blog all about gum. For real.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Opinions & Observations

It must be rough to have your rock bottom broadcast on national TV.

Opinions & Observations

Something tells me it won't be long before Britney joins Anna Nicole in that big trailer park in the sky.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Opinions & Observations

I am stunned by the number of people who have asked me if I am going to any IBR events. I have said it before: I like me a beefy, hairy man. But bear culture makes my soul pee it's pants.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hate us yet? Keep voting EXBF on!!

Holy shit, we made it to round 3!
Go vote!
We love you!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Opinions & Observations

I just had a really morbid thought: I wonder if a lot of people commit suicide on Valentine's Day?

Opinions & Observations

Just because you can wear it that doesn't mean you should.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Opinions & Observations

The saga revolving around the paternity of Anna-Nicole Smith's daughter has turned into a real-life version of the South Park episode "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut"

Let's hope it has a similar ending!

First Feature for Deli SF!

My first feature is up on The Deli Magazine SF blog. It's an interview with the local band Excuses for Skipping. Check it out.

P.S. The site seems to be having some probs right now so check back later if you can't see it now.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Opinions & Observations

My dreams arfe clearly full of useful inspiration and insight. Example: last night I dreamt that I opened a new restaurant in the Castro that served burgers, steaks, roast beef, etc. It was called Meat Show and it was a smashing success.

I also dreamt that gay porn star Shane Rollins could not remember who he was because of the proliferation of shaved-headed men with goatees in the industry.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Opinions & Observations

It's definitely time for a haircut when I climb out of the shower and my hair naturally looks like Hugh Grant's in the movie Maurice.

Opinions & Observations

I feel bad for saying this because I really like Todd Oldham in a lot of other ways. But after watching two episodes of Top Design he makes Heidi Klum seem like the TV personality of the century.

Opinions & Observations

I am completely amused by people who are currently over-stating Anna Nicole Smith's cultural and artistic relevance.

Opinions & Observations

I am totally dressed like my Blogger icon today.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Opinions & Observations

If I was President I would declare a National Fabulous Wigs Day and people would have to wear fabulous wigs all day. I am talking Kate & Cindy-level fabulous.

Keep Voting for EXBF on!

It looks like there are (possibly several?) more rounds to this whole Spin's Artist of the Year thing. So go vote for us again!

We made it to round two thanks to everyone who voted - you all rock!

Vote here:


Opinions & Observations

I really don't make the same effort to hear new music that I used to when I was younger/in college. If they existed a decade ago I would have bought every single release by The Blow. Instead, I am just finding out about them. It seems like the longer I am in bands the less I invest in discovering new music and going to shows.

Opinions & Observations

The ladies of Go Fug Yourself lost a lot of credibility in my mind when I found out how much they like clothes from The Gap. It just felt like all my theories about them being overly-conservative and anti-fashion forward were confirmed.

Opinions & Observations

I guess my past as a waiter must have scarred me in some unknown way. Over the last few months I have had anxiety dreams where I am waiting tables again but I totally suck at it or I get to a table and my tray has no food on it.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Opinions & Observations

Fewer things cause me to utter the phrase "who gives a fuck" than Pitchfork posting the news that Bright Eyes has announced the track listing to their upcoming album.

Opinions & Observations

I have a theory about workplace attractions: the longer you work somewhere the more you will find yourself attracted to various co-workers. If only because you are there 40 hours a week and your mind desperately needs a distraction from the dull repetition. You might not even find them genuinely attractive if they were a stranger passing on the street.

Opinions & Observations

My gay fan-ness will not be contained come March 7th when the first 6 Bananarama albums are re-released with awesome b-sides and rarities.

Opinions & Observations

Not enough people use the word "tenterhooks" these days.

Opinions & Observations

I didn't think Bears (whom I often enjoy as a type of man - beefy, hairy, yes please) as a community/group/movement could be more ridiculous. I was wrong.

Opinions & Observations

Whomever invented the voice automated calling system for places like Fed Ex, UPS and other companies is my mortal enemy. How many times do I have to shout "YES!" before the fucking robot lady hears me and moves on to the next step?

Opinions & Observations

When I am on the Muni underground and it's just sitting with it's doors open, stuck at a station I always want to scream "Run, run, run!" to the people dashing down the steps to try and make it on time, unaware that the train has been sitting still for 5 minutes.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Opinions & Observations

I don't get Sienna Miller. Was dating Jude Law originally what launched her into the public eye?

Opinions & Observations

I would say it doesn't bode well for your acting career to have Untitled Brett Ratner Project as one of your upcoming endeavors.

Opinions & Observations

For some reason the idea of customizing my Myspace page is a step too far. Like it's already kind of embarrissing that I have one but fancifying it would be taking it to another, shameful level.

Opinions & Observations

Ted Haggard loves cock. Ted Haggard loves men. But because he has "cured" himself through Jesus or whatever, I hope he gets nothing but pussy for the rest of his life.

Opinions & Observations

While it's true that Laloo's Goat's Milk Ice Cream is kind to us lactards, it's sadly not all that delicious. It's also $8 at Bi-Rite, which is kind of effed up.

Opinions & Observations

Last week I totally called who Claire's real father is on Heroes.

Opinions & Observations

Pottery Barn is my anti-aesthetic.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Opinions & Observations

Piggybacking off of my last post, I think it's kind of insane that people wear flip-flops all around this city, especially downtown. It's totally filthy. I am talking urine, feces (both animal and human), vomit, etc. Why would you want so little between your feet and all of that grime?

Opinions & Observations

I think people should have really clean, well cared for feet if they are going to wear any kind of open-toed shoe. I am referring to you, lady on the subway with cute, polka-dotted, open-toed pumps with your thick, yellow, long-ass toenails sticking out.

Opinions & Observations

I don't know if I'll ever get used to Blue Tooth phone technology. I always think people using them are crazy and, conversely, I think people talking to themselves a mile-a-minute are just on the phone.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Prudery is Alive and Well

The headline of today's SF Chronicle bears Gavin Newsom's shameful apology: 'I HAVE LET THE PEOPLE DOWN'. He has publicly admitted to and apologized for having an affair with his campaign manager's wife now promises, with tail tucked between his legs, to focus on the needs of the city and not the needs of, you know, his dick. And Gaving Newsom has let The People down. But not by having an affair with a married woman. That is really none of our fucking business unles "we" are the woman in question or her husband. He has let The People down by being a shitty mayor who doesn't engage in many of the issues this city faces and who has been softballing (and divorcing and partying and boinking) his way through his Mayorship. If anything he should be apologizing for not prioritizing The People over his own needs, not for actually having sex, adulterous or otherwise.

One of the ways Mr. Newsom has tried to show he is for The People in recent days is to attack the place I work at (NSFW link) for buying the Armory building to use for producing BDSM/fetish pornography. In a city that is riddled with adult businesses he has decided to come out swinging against and, in a manner similar to Helen Lovejoy from "The Simpsons" and cry out , "won't somebody PLEASE think of the children: "While not wanting to be prudish, the fact that will be located in the proximity to a number of schools give us pause," Mayor Gavin Newsom said in a statement this week.

On my way into work today I sat next to a man reading a newspaper article about the controversy regarding Daniel Radcliffe starring in and going nude for the play Equus. Over his shoulder I read a quote from a parent saying that her 9 year old son looks up to Radcliffe and that, because of his role and nudity in this play, they will not be taking him to see any more of his movies, Harry Potter or otherwise.

The first Wonder Woman tattoo I got on my right arm depicts her breaking out of chains with the words "Prejudice", "Prudery" and "Man's Superiority" illustrating what the chains represent. While "prudery" may not be a word that gets a lot of use these days and the image is from a 1940s depiction of the Amazing Amazon, it seems like it's as alive today as it ever was. Why does the Mayor of San Francisco feel the need to confess his sexual "sins" on national television? Why is a legitimately-run, fully-legal adult business being called out for legally purchasing a building that has long sat dormant and would never be suitable for the "affordable housing" people now claim they wish it was being used for? Why is an actor who has every right to play any role he wants but is best known as the filmic incarnation of an insanely popular literary character being castigated for playing a complex, disturbed character who takes his clothes off onstage? Prudery! And people's need to impose theirs on everyone else while also being nearly obsessed with all the lurid details of a good sex scandal, porn company or naked stage moment.

I am not saying that everyone should conform to one set of morals or values around sex and sexuality - it's something entirely personal and individual, I realize that. What I am sick and tired of is the negative, damaging, hypocritical discourse around all of it. If Newsom feels so guilty and is worried about his indiscretions reaching the public then he needs to do some fucking self-work and deal with his shit instead of coming after If people have a problem with an adult company that is going to be operating behind closed doors and will have nothing to do with the youth in the surrounding area maybe they need to sit down and provide some sexual education for their children instead of worrying about what The Big Bad Porn Company Will Teach them. Here's a newsflash: our culture is so anti-sex education that most kids end up learning all about it from porn. And while I am not anti-porn I am definitely not pro-porn when it comes to it being a source of sex education - it's too edited for fantasy (i.e. you never see lube or condoms being applied or often times not even used, you never see the kind of prep work certain sexual acts require) to be very educational. And while you're at it, explain to your kid that Daniel Radcliffe is an actor who is choosing to play a role in something that is better suited for an adult audience. Don't go imposing 800 tons of shame about naked bodies on your kid. You know, as if you haven't already. And finally, don't go decrying all of these sexual situations and then go force feeding/greedily consuming them as if your life depended on it. Maybe it's your own repressed desires swirling around all of these issues that have really put that wasp up your hoop skirt. To paraphrase Shakespear, the prude doth protest too much, methinks.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Vote for Ex-Bofyriends to Win BAND OF THE YEAR at!!

My band, Ex-Boyfriends, are in the running to win BAND OF THE YEAR (Underground category) at!!

Go here to vote:

Pass this on to your friends, family, neighbors, loved ones, enemies and everyone else you can. Wheee!

Thanks in advance!

Opinions & Observations

Although a lot of people say Alec Baldwin isn't as hot as he used to be I would do him in a heartbeat.

Opinions & Observations

I'm still completely stunned when I see people wearing flip-flops to walk around the city. I can't even imagine how filthy their feet are at the end of the day.

Opinions & Observations

I think Chuck Palahniuk is one of the greatest living American authors.

Opinions & Observations

San Francisco has some of the best cab drivers I have ever encountered, hands down. Almost every ride involves stimulating conversation with a smart, interesting and totally rad person.