Sunday, February 25, 2007

Recording the new Ex-Boyfriends Album, Day 2.

Today we finished tracking drums for the last 4 songs. Hooray! It was a bit on the grueling side because 2 of those 4 songs are slow songs and, weird as it may sound, slow songs are fucking hard to play. Every little mistake shows through and it's sometimes harder to maintain the tempo on a slow song than it is on something fast and bouncy. But Aaron is infinitely patient and encouraging and I persevered and made it to the end. So my work is mostly done now. Awesome!

We had enough time at the end of the day to start setting up Colin's amp and trying out guitar tones so we can start tracking guitar (and bass too, hopefully) next weekend. Aaron has lots of great guitars to add to our arsenal as well as many amps, pedals and other gadgetry. I am a mediocre guitar player at best but if I was good I would long for a Gretsch guitar like nobody's business. They look and sound gorgeous.

I am really excited for this album - even moreso than I was for Dear John. I feel like we have grown so much stronger and tighter as a band. Our songwriting has progressed and we are not making an exact replica of our first album. I can't wait for it to be done!

Go here for more photos from today - I uploaded a ton.


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